Bad Light, at Richmond Fringe Festival, Virginia, 2024.
Pandemonium Quintet (singer), Centro de Cultura Digital, NIME conference, Mexico City, 2023.

Pools and Cascades II, quadraphonic sound installation, fellow with New City Arts Initiative, the Welcome Gallery, Charlottesville, VA, 2023.
"fault lines", Fort Funston, San Francisco, 2023. Vocal score and electronics for pateldanceworks. (Photos by Kevin Lo)

"Bad Light", Dixon Place, New York, 2022. Sound, performance, singing, absurdity.
"Learning But Never Knowing", Virginia, 2019. Text, songs. Released in collaboration with Amira Hegazy (printmaker: Statement Press) and Sholeh Asgary (photographer:

"To Unsettle The Horizon", Headlands Center for the Arts, 2018. Sound/voice/movement with Beatriz Escobar & Sholeh Asgary.
"Trafalgar Square", Belfast, Northern Ireland, 2018. Site-specific music performance for "Learning But Never Knowing".